-Character concept illustration. -Concept: Red and Black, Demon, Female, Insect, Wing
● Art work request : inhyuklee85@gmail.com www.youtube.com/c/InHyukLeeArt www.instagram.com/leeinhyuk www.facebook.com/inhyuklee85
Process 1 (design and colouring)
Process 2 (detail progress)
Process 3 (add back light)
gray scale
Character illustration: Succubus/캐릭터 일러스트: 서큐버스 (speed paingting/스피드 페인팅) By.InHyuk Lee 이인혁)
InHyuk Lee Basic Character Class Introduced
InHyuk Lee's Art class: How to draw Female (이인혁 그림수업:여자 인체도형,인체,옷 그리기) By.InHyuk Lee 이인혁